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Armes biologiques Les armes biologiques (ou armes B) sont des moyens de destruction massive utilisant des organismes vivants ou les germes infectieux qu'ils produisent, engagés à des fins hostiles pour provoquer la maladie ou la mort chez les êtres humains, les animaux...
Terrorisme biologique : sites francophones
Biological Weapons FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Biological Weapons and Defense.
APIC: : Bioterrorism Resources
biological warfare the military use of disease-producing agents, such as bacteria and viruses, on humans, animals, or plants, and the means for combating such agents.
biological warfare employment in war of microorganisms to injure or destroy people, animals, or crops; also called germ or bacteriological warfare.
Biological Weapons and Bioterrorism Information on biological weapons, their use in conflicts and terrorist attacks and countering them.
FRS - Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique FRS - stratégie, défense, relations internationales, sécurité, débats stratégiques, technologies,...
Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute
Center for the Study of Bioterrorism and Emerging Infections - Saint Louis University,GERM WARFARE Home Page Germ war and human experimentationAdvanced Biological and Medical Technologies: Biological Warfare Defense Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures Weapons of Mass Destruction & Terrorism A Poor Man's Nuclear War
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Warfare links Nuclear, Biological & Chemical - NBCNCO Home Page NBC : Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare on the Modern BattlefieldChemical and biological weapons: developments and destructionChem-Bio.comCIA Views on Bio-Chemical Terrorism Chemical and Biological Warfare Jane's ChemBio Continuous chem-bio threat assessment Monitor the latest chem-bio developments with this near-realtime online service. In addition to breaking chem-bio news, you will find information on global policy changes and evolving methodologies to ensure you are constantly informed of the current situation around the world. An invaluable resource for anyone involved in meeting the chem-bio threat.
Biological weapons bibliographyMiller, Engelberg, Broad "GERMS: Biological Weapons and America's secret war" Simon & Schuster , 382pp.
Les armes biologiques - N°3599 - PUF.com BINDER Patrice, LEPICK Olivier : Collection Que sais-je ?
VI - La France et les armes biologiques Déclaration prononcée, au nom de la Présidence de l'Union Européenne à Genève le 20 novembre 2000 par M. Hubert de la Fortelle, lors de la 21ème session du groupe spécial des Etats parties à la Convention sur l'interdiction
The Bioweaponeers Detailed accounts of biological weapons programs in the former Soviet Union, told by a former Russian scientist.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention - Bioterrorism
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response from the CDC with links to other resources
Civilian Emergency Response to Chemical or Biological Weapons Incidents;
- SITE SEARCH. Biological Terrorism, Emerging Diseases, and National Security by Christopher F. Chyba.
- Biological Weapons--The Poor Mans Nuke Biological warfare is one leg of the triad of weapons Abstract: Biological warfare is one leg of the triad of weapons of mass destruction (coupled with nuclear and chemical weapons). Biological weapons pose a significant threat to the United States military and public population
- Non State Actors and Biological Weapons: A Credible Threat? biological agents, the technical capabilities terrorist groups to develop and deploy these weaponsDiscusses biological agents, the technical capabilities terrorist groups to develop and deploy these weapons, terrorists' motives for using such armaments, and future scenarios for their using these weapons.
- Proliferation: Threat and Response US government report on the use of weapons of mass destruction by regional aggressors, third-rate armies, terrorist cells, and religious cults can wield disproportionate power by using or threatening to use nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons
Threat of Bioterrorism Recent events indicate that neither technical factors, such as arms control treaties, nor the moral repugnance long associated with the use of biological weapons will deter terrorists...
An unlikely threat By Jonathan B. Tucker & Amy SandsQuestion: Over the past 100 years, how many people have died in chemical or biological terrorist attacks in the United States? Assessing the threat
Assessing the Threat of Bioterrorism congressional testimony from 1999 by Raymond Zilinskas, from the Center for Nonproliferation Studies
Conférence Interpol sur le bioterrorisme à Lyon (1-2 mars 2005): 155 pays recherchent normes juridiques et sanitaires, coopération entre pays. Vulnérabilté totale par diversité des agents biologiques et vecteurs de transmission (transports, eau, air, alimentation, poste...). Pour une base de données internationale des moyens de prévention et de traitement (comparable à l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
FACT SHEET Chemical - Biological Agents
The recent terrorist threats and confirmed cases of exposure to anthrax have caused an increase in anxiety over the possibility of attacks using chemical and biological agents (CBA.) Currently, the method of delivery of anthrax has been by letter or package. While the risk of such attacks is limited, it cannot be excluded. As always, the Department will promptly share with American citizens overseas any credible information about threats to their safety. Americans should stay informed and be prepared for any eventuality. In 1999, the Department of Defense announced its intention to commence the Family and Force Protection Initiative (FFPI) in order to provide enhanced protection to the dependents of U.S. military service members and to civilian Department of Defense (DOD) employees and their families. This program was first implemented for U.S. Forces Korea. The Department of State has had a chemical and biological countermeasure program since 1998, when it began to deploy chemical antidotes and antibiotics to selected posts abroad. While we have no information to indicate there is an imminent threat from use of anthrax or other biological agents as a weapon against our overseas missions at this time, the Department is expanding its countermeasure program. As a precaution, the Department requested our missions overseas to stock a three-day supply of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin for all individuals who work in or frequent the missions.This small supply of ciprofloxacin is being pre-positioned to ensure rapid access to this protective antibiotic for our employees in case of an anthrax exposure in an overseas USG facility and would allow the mission sufficient time to provide access to care for all individuals exposed while securing additional supplies of antibiotics. Once an exposure is suspected, all individuals who had been exposed in our workplace would be provided antibiotics pending a full investigation of the exposure. This would include any private American citizen present in the facility at the time of exposure.Again, if the Department becomes aware of any specific and credible threat to the safety and security of American citizens abroad, that information will be provided to them promptly.Exposures to CBA that occur outside U.S. Government facilities would require the involvement of local public health authorities who would provide information and if necessary, protective antibiotics to the general public. Ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics effective against anthrax, including doxycycline and amoxicillin are available with a prescription in most pharmacies throughout the world.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the lead government agency on infectious diseases, including chemical/biological agents (CBA). For detailed information on CBA, including anthrax, inquirers are referred to the CDC Internet home page at http://www.cdc.gov. The CDC's international travelers hotline telephone number is 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747); FAX: 1-888-CDC-FAXX (1-888-232-3299).
As always, American citizens should review their own personal security situations and take those precautions they deem appropriate to ensure their well-being. Some general information on chemical-biological agents (CBA) follows: A. Biological agents can be dispersed by an aerosol spray which must be inhaled. However, these agents can also be used to contaminate food, water and other products. Attention to basic food hygiene when traveling abroad is very important. B. Some chemical agents may be volatile--evaporating rapidly to form clouds of agent. Others may be persistent. These agents may act directly on the skin, lungs, eyes, respiratory tract or be absorbed through your skin and lungs causing injury. Choking and nerve agents damage the soft tissue in these organs. C. When properly used, appropriate masks are effective protection to prevent the inhalation of either biological or chemical agents; however this assumes an adequate warning. Gas masks alone do not protect against agents that act through skin absorption. Those who wish to acquire protective equipment for personal use should contact commercial vendors. D. There is an incubation period after exposure to biological agents. It is essential that you seek appropriate care for illnesses acquired while traveling abroad to assure prompt diagnosis and treatment. E. One of the biological agents is the spore-forming bacterium that causes Anthrax, an acute infectious disease. It should be noted, however, that effective dispersal of the Anthrax bacteria is difficult.
- Anthrax is treatable if that treatment is initiated promptly after exposure. The post-exposure treatment consists of certain antibiotics administered in combination with the vaccine.
- An anthrax vaccine that confers protective immunity does exist, but is not readily available to private parties. Efficacy and safety of use of this vaccine for persons under 18 or over 65 and pregnant women have not been determined.
- The anthrax vaccine is produced exclusively by Bioport under contract to the Department of Defense. Virtually all vaccine produced in the United States is under Defense Department contract primarily for military use and a small number of other official government uses.
- For additional information, please consult your health care provider or local health authority.
October 2001
- POPULATION: démographie, natalité mortalité, âges, santé, alimentation, répartition,
- STRUCTURES, Systèmes, relations sociales, classes, catégories socioprofessionnelles, groupes
Préserver la biotechnologie des armes biologiques J.P. Perry Robinson, SPRU Objet: la biotechnologie s'applique aussi bien aux armes biologiques qu'à d'autres produits plus bénéfiques et ceci suscite une inquiétude croissante
Déclaration de l'Association Médicale Mondiale sur les Armes Chimiques et Biologiques Adoptée par la 42e Assemblée Médicale Mondiale Rancho Mirage (Californie, Etats-Unis), Octobre 1990
Strengthening the Biological & Toxin Weapons Convention proposed alterations to the BTWC from the University of Bradford in the UK.
Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Project : serves as a problem-solver and an information clearinghouse for CBW-related issues
Applied Science and Analysis (ASA) nuclear, biological and chemical defense
Le futur sur Internet LE FUTUR DANS GEOSCOPIE
La menace permanente des armes biologiques (bibliographie) LEONARD COLE Les États et les terroristes fourbissent aujourd'hui des armes biologiques. Des contrôles plus stricts devront les dissuader de les utiliser. |
COMPLEMENTS: Armes chimiques Terrorisme Islam fondamentaliste Sécurité, Défense, Conflits sur Internet