"Vivre avec ses ennemis comme s'ils devaient un jour être nos amis et vivre avec nos amis comme s'ils pouvaient devenir nos ennemis, ce n'est point une maxime morale mais politique" Jean de La Bruyère
"Il doit apprendre à courir vite, celui qui veut taquiner les nids de guêpes" Proverbe masaï
Cette page doit la plupart de ses adresses au remarquable site de la Virtual Library (que nous avons réorganisé par thèmes)
sécurité : abandon, abri, airain, assurance, ataraxie, calme, confiance, fiabilité, ordre, paix, parade, police, quiétude, repos, sérénité, sûreté, tranquillité
défense : abri, aide, apologétique, apologie, armée, armure, asile, avocat, barrage, bastion, bouclier, boulevard, canine, cause, citadelle, corne, couverture, cuirasse, décharge, défenseur, dent, discours, éloge, embargo, exception, excuse, fortification, fossé, garantie, garde, glacis, glorification, indignité, inhibition, interdiction, interdit, justification, louange, lutte, maintien, obstacle, ouvrage, parade, plaidoirie, plaidoyer, polémique, préservation, prohibition, protection, réaction, réduit, rempart, repli, réponse, rescousse, résistance, retraite, retranchement, riposte, sauvegarde, secours, soutien, traverse, tutelle
paix : accalmie, accord, apaisement, armistice, assouvissement, ataraxie, béatitude, bonace, bonheur, bouche close, bouche cousue, calme, chut, conciliation, concorde, diktat, douceur, entente, équilibre, fraternité, harmonie, motus, négociation, ordre, pacification, pacte, quiétude, réconciliation, repos, sagesse, sécurité, sérénité, silence, traité, tranquillité, trêve, union.
* Access to the Jane's Defence Glossary - a database containing over 20,000 defence-related acronyms and abbreviations -http://www.janes.com/defence/glossary/
Foreign Policy News from Moreover.com - http://www.moreover.com/foreignpolicy/ News portal with extensive headline links to current news on international issues from a variety of media sources.
- Jane's News Briefs - every week you can be sent links and news summaries on all of the areas covered by janes.com. Ranging across Jane's portfolio of specialisation from defence equipment to industry news, urban transport to airport developments, as well as law enforcement issues through to drug smuggling and international terrorism. Sign up now - http://www2.janes.com/public/login/nbLogin.html
- DEFENCE http://www.janes.com/defence/ Jane's Defence Discovery - a specialist defence web site search enginehttp://www.defence-discovery.com* Extracts from Jane's Sentinel Risk Pointers - analysis and assessment of worldwide regions and flashpoints -http://www.janes.com/regional_news/sentinel/risk_pointers.shtml* Specialist content within Jane's exhibition microsites - see the list on the defence pages -http://www.janes.com/defence* Jane's Video and Picture Galleries - see the full listing on janes.com* Extracts from the Jane's Interview - each week world leaders rely on Jane's Defence Weekly to express their views on the pages of The Jane's Interview, often granting it exclusive interviews. For readers, The Jane's Interview provides insights on major figures in global defence -http://www.janes.com/defence/interviews/
- Crisis Web, informations sur les conflits à travers le monde (anglais)
- Bikem Ekberzade Photography - http://www.geocities.com/bikem71 Current news, photographs from regional conflicts and wars. Documentary projects on people related stories, refugees, human rights, freedom of expression. Articles toggling the question of freedom and territoriality.
- Geopolitix- http://www.geopolitix.com An online news site specializing in world politics and diplomacy featuring commentary, news analysis, and investigative reporting.
- NewsSynthesis International Relations News - http://www.newssynthesis.com/cgi-bin/apexec.pl?etype=clipper&template=templates/template4.htm&f1=index_foreignpolicy Global news from across the web.
- STRATFOR.com- http://www.stratfor.com/ The site of a commercial Intelligence company, STRATFOR.com provides a thorough analysis of current events.
- Conflits actuels: revue d'études politiques
- Système d'alerte aux conflits
- Politique et conflits
Cultures et Conflits - revue: dissuasion, guerres, révolutions, répression d’Etat ,s formes de violence labelisées comme "terrorisme", "criminalité mafieuse", "guérilla", "émeutes urbaines", "lutte contre les conflits de basse intensité", jusqu’aux formes plus subtiles mais bien réelles de violence symbolique : domination culturelle, effets de discours et de langage ..."
- U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century Forum - The first time a U.S. federal organization has maintained an open dialogue with the public while its reports are being written. The initial topic is the "World's Love-Hate Relationship with the United States."
- The United States Institute of Peace The purpose is to strengthen US capabilities to promote the peaceful resolution of international conflicts. Many sources and articles about Central Africa.
- Contemporary conflicts in Africa A well-organised virtual library from the Canadian Development Agency, with Internet resources on the prevention, management and resolution of violent conflicts in Africa, and links to important papers.
- The Global South - http://www.globalsouth.org News, views and analyses focusing on the global south and the former socialist states in Eastern Europe, with original documents from the UN, World Bank and other multilateral organisations.
- Actualité et Droit international http://www.ridi.org/adi/home.html articles de fond et des contributions universitaires sur des questions internationales. recherche sur les dernières dépêches de l'actualité internationale à partir de différents moteurs de recherche intégrés (Nomade et AFP, Yahoo et Reuters, Infoseek et Reuters).
- Human Rights Watch
- U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency-
- Arms Control Association-- A national nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies, with fact sheets, background papers, full-text documents, arms control briefings, and Arms Control Today online.
- Bonn International Center for Conversion-- Working as a worldwide clearinghouse on practical conversion experiences and projects, this is an independent non-profit organization that supports and promotes the process by which people, skills, technology, equipment, financial and economic resources are shifted from the military or the defense sector towards alternative, civilian purposes.
- The Nonproliferation Review
- the spread of nuclear, missile, chemical, biological, and advanced conventional technologies. Also comprehensive coverage of international nuclear and missile developments from the Center for Nonproliferation Studies' databases.
- Center for International Security and Arms Control-- The Center for International Security and Arms Control, part of Stanford University's Institute for International Studies, is a multidisciplinary community dedicated to research and training in issues of international security.
- Center for Nonproliferation Studies-- CNS, at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, is the world's largest non-governmental organization devoted to combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
- Nonproliferation Review-- International journal that features online articles, viewpoints, and reports on a variety of nonproliferation problems.
- La future guerre électroniquesera remportée par les agents intelligents plutôt que par les pirates informatiques. Lawrence Gershwin, un officier de la CIA, a déclaré au Congrès Américain que le pouvoir croissant de l'ordinateur pourrait changer la nature de la guerre de l'information dans les années à venir. Il pourrait, en particulier, créer des programmes conçus pour imiter l'intelligence humaine, une arme courante des ennemis de l'état.
- Répertoire Paix et Sécurité
- Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA)
- Security Dialogue publication de l'International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO).
- Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace
- Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies-- PACS was established at Fresno Pacific University to promote greater understanding of the dynamics of conflict, to train persons in the theology, science, and art of constructive conflict management, and to promote and assist in the development of cooperative dispute resolution and justice programs within the institutions of the church and society.
- Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict-- This group of distinguished persons assembled to advance ideas in conflict prevention has numerous excellent reportsonline, including their December 1997 Final Report, as well as linksand a discussion forum.
- Centre for Peace Studies-- This Centre at McMaster University supports multidisciplinary research and teaching in the area of peace and conflict studies, regarding social movements against war and violence, religious and philosophical approaches to peace and conflict, human rights, and the relationship of war and peace to health.
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution Bookshelf-- Stock of resources for practitioners and scholars in the field of conflict analysis and resolution.
- The Institute for Global Communications, héberge le PeaceNet et le ConflictNet
- Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN)-- A collaborative multi-media database of resources relevant to teaching and research on the Northern Ireland conflict, at the University of Ulster.
- ConflictNet-- From the Institute for Global Communications. Promotes dialogue and sharing of information to encourage appropriate dispute resolution, highlights the work of practitioners and organizations, and is a proving ground for ideas and proposals across the range of disciplines within the conflict resolution field.
- Conflict Prevention Resource Site-- Conflict resolution, disarmament, arms traffic, nuclear issues, role of NGOs, and regional hotspots, from the Winston Foundation for World Peace.
- Conflict Processes Sectionof the American Political Science Association-- Contains links to data sets, CPS newsletter, and online papers.
- Conflict Research Consortium-- A truly first-rate, comprehensive site at the University of Colorado, featuring information on constructive approaches to difficult conflicts.
- International Boundaries Research Unit-- IBRU, at the University of Durham, works to enhance the resources available for the peaceful resolution of problems associated with international boundaries on land and at sea, including their delimitation, demarcation, and management. Note their International Boundary News Database.
- Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation-- IGCC is a multi-campus research unit serving the entire University of California system, to study the causes of international conflict and to help devise options for resolving it through international cooperation.
- Internet Service on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity-- The INCORE Internet Service, of the University of Ulster and the United Nations University, is a central resource on the Internet for those in the area of conflict resolution and ethnic conflict. Note their Internet Country Guidesfor hot spots.
- Nonviolence Web-- Features the philosophy and positions of nonviolence on current international issues, discussion board, and links to associated peace groups.
- Peace and Conflict Studies-- At the University of Colorado, "the home of peace studies on the World Wide Web."
- PeaceNet-- Through PeaceNet, you can explore information and work for positive social change in the areas of peace, social and economic justice, human rights, and the struggle against racism, from the Institute for Global Communications.
- Peace Research Information Unit-- This unit in Bonn is a national and international advice, information, and service center covering the whole field of research into peace and conflict.
- Peacekeeping and Related Operations-- University of New Brunswick.
- Program on Peacekeeping Policy, George Mason University-- Round table and peace operations documents and research reports, plus links.
- Project on Defense Alternatives, The Commonwealth Institute-- Critical analysis of the defense policy of the U.S. and others, and alternative options.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute-- One of the foremost institutes of its type in the world, SIPRI excels in the collection and analysis of data on weapons developments, arms transfers and production, and military expenditure, as well as on arms limitations, reductions and disarmament. Much information online. See their Cooperative Articles Database, current until January 1998, and the country graphs of expenditure trends.
- Larry Schankman’s Conflict Resolution and International Security Site-- A selection of the best on peace and security on the Internet, from Mansfield University.
- Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre-- The mission of the Centre is to support and enhance the Canadian contribution to international peace, security, and stability. Note the useful Peacekeeping and Related Linkssection.
- Freedom, Democracy, Peace; Power, Democide, and War--A massive, truly excellent, and searchable site with hundreds of documents on these topics from the rich empirical studies of the career of Professor R.J.Rummel.The theme is "The more freedom, the less violence."
- Henry L. Stimson Center-- An "independent, nonprofit, public policy institute committed to finding and promoting innovative solutions to the security challenges confronting the United States and other nations in the twenty-first century." Excellent site, much material online.
- International Relations and Security Network-- ISN is a major, searchable clearinghouse for resources in the field of security and defense studies, peace and conflict research, and international relations. Note their comprehensive WWW Virtual Library: International Securityand the very useful Limited Area Search Engineto search scores of sites in international relations and security.
- International Security Policy & Military Affairs: Information Sources-- From the Lehman Library of Columbia University, a selective guide to library materials and Internet resources on international security policy and military affairs.
- National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament-- Organization dedicated to publicizing the need and the means for a transfer of military resources to civilian use.
- EU Crisis Response Capability: Institutions and Processes for Conflict Prevention and Management
- The European Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO): Crisis Response in the Grey Lane
- Le centre d'excellence des forces canadiennes pour l'entraînement aux opérations de soutien de la paix
- Centre Pearson pour le maintien de la paix Peacekeeper's Home Page http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/unpeacekeeperspastandpresent
- Jane's COPcaseThe online source of best practice law enforcement case studiesJane's COPcase is the new online source of community-oriented policing (COP) and problem-oriented policing (POP) case studies. COPcase focuses on the key issues facing every law enforcement agency, enabling the identification of best practice and the generation of innovative problem-solving strategies to address new and existing problems.
- Dimostenis's Conflict Resolution Page- Articles, links, bibliographies, and search tools for researchers interested in international or ethnic conflict resolution
- H.K's Conflict Resolution Model- A creative and constructive model of polarity and balance for conflict resolution work. A demonstration movie of how a conflict-worker can process a conflict between the Israelites and the Palestines. IGCC Online- The Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) is a multi-campus research unit that serves the entire University of California system. During IGCC's first five years (1983-88), research focused largely on averting nuclear war through arms control and confidence-building measures. . Since then, the research program has diversified to include: regional relations, international environmental policy, internal conflict, international migration, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
- The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) is a non-profit organisation that provides alternative sources of information as well as online access and comprehensive Internet services for progressive individuals and organisations. http://www.igc.apc.org/ Accord (The) (anglais) revue d'étude des crises et de leur résolution http://www.c-r.org/
- Crisis Web-- From the International Crisis Group, a private, multinational organization
- United States Institute of Peace-- Library,and the Research Centers in International Relations by Country.
- War, Peace, and Security Canadian Forces College
- War, Peace, and Security Guide. ;
- Contemporary Conflicts;
- Spotlight on Military News.
- Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research
- Serveurs sur la résolution des conflits
- Carter CenterThe Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy institute founded by former US President Jimmy Carter. The Center is dedicated to fighting disease, hunger, poverty, conflict, and oppression through collaborative initiatives in the areas of democratisation and development, global health, and urban revitalization.
- INCORE Guides to Sources on Conflict and EthnicityThe Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity (INCORE) is a joint initiative of the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland and the United Nations University. INCORE has annotated guides to Internet sources on conflict and ethnicity in Africa in general, and in Central Africa in particular
- Institute for War and Peace Reporting
- Conflit prevention.coopération entre European Policy Center, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office , International Crisis group, International Alert
- Military Education and Research Library Network (MERLN)-- The searchable joint site of military education libraries in the United States (mainly) and Europe, providing access to the library holdings and online information resources of the "largest and most comprehensive collections of military information resources in the world." Note the section on Online Publications of MERLN participants. The U.S. Army's Military Reading Room includes links to online professional reading lists, military e-journals, and military publications.
Milex Newsletter of the Bonn International Center for Conversion-- Data and analysis on world military expenditures.
- Center for Defense Information-- Searchable information on and analysis of U.S. military expenditures and security issues generally. Free e-mail subscription to Weekly Defense Monitor.
- British American Security Information Council-- An independent research organization that analyzes government policies in defense, disarmament, military strategy, and nuclear issues.
- Center for Security Policy-- Conservative organization to stimulate and inform the national and international debate about all aspects of security policy, notably those policies bearing on the foreign, defense, economic, financial and technology interests of the United States. Online publications. Federation of American Scientists-- A policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes over 55 American Nobel Laureates, AFS is engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology, and public policy for global security. Features documents, reports, news, links. See their Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research-- Based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, this is an independent academic institution doing research and teaching in the fields of national and international security policy and conflict analysis.
- Centre for Defence and International Security Studies-- Addresses salient issues in UK national and international defence and security policy. Publications and links.
- Council for a Livable World-- Focuses on eliminating weapons of mass destruction and on arms control issues, with much information online. See their Project on Peacekeeping and the United Nations.
- National Defense University-- Publications, policy, and links from the top school of the U.S. military services. Includes the National War College, Institute for National Strategic Studies, and the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. Military Review, the Professional Journal of the United States Army (anglais) http://www-cgsc.army.mil/milrev/
- DefenseLink série de liens sur les sources d'information militaires dans le monde:
- Le nucléaire sur Internet
- Armes nucléaires (tests),
- Observatoire des armes nucléaires françaises
- CRS Issue Brief: Nuclear Weapons in Russia: Safety, Security, and Control issues. Updated November 5, 2001, 19 p. http://www.fpc.gov/CRS_REPS/CRS_russ1105.pdf
- CRS Issue Brief: Russia. Updated November 1, 2001, 20 p. http://www.fpc.gov/CRS_REPS/crs_russia11.pdf
- CRS Issue Brief: Nuclear Arms Control: The U.S.- Russian Agenda. Updated October 15, 2001, 19 p. http://www.fpc.gov/CRS_REPS/crs_russia10.pdf
- Les projets asiatiques en matière de fusées nucléaires
- La nouvelle stratégie nucléaire des USA: desactiver sans les détruire 6000 ogives en 10 ans
- Proliferation in the 'Axis of Evil': North Korea, Iran, and Iraq. Report. by Anthony H. Cordesman Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 30, 2002. http://www.csis.org/press/pr02_04.htm http://www.csis.org/burke/proliferation_axis.pdf 'Three new CSIS reports detail the growing threat posed by chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons in North Korea, Iran, and Iraq-the countries President Bush singled out in his State of the Union address. The reports, by Anthony Cordesman, CSIS Burke Chair in Strategy, make extensive use of unclassified intelligence reports by the Department of Defense, CIA, and National Intelligence Council. Cordesman has served in senior positions in the Departments of Defense, State, and Energy, and in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. 'President Bush has singled out the world's most dangerous proliferators by name,' said Cordesman. 'The evidence regarding what they are doing is complex and contradictory, but the patterns of proliferation in all three countries are undeniable and clearly pose a growing threat to U.S. security interests. At the same time, we must recognize that all three countries have very different regimes, are proliferating in different ways, and pose different risks. Equally important, their activities are only part of an even more threatening pattern of regional proliferation in the Middle East, East Asia, and South Asia. Arms control clearly has failed to do enough. What is far from clear is that the United States has military and diplomatic options that can be successful in checking a growing threat to the United States and world peace.''
- Arms Sales Monitor-- Published and placed online by the American Federation of Scientists Fund, to focus on U.S. government policy on arms sales and conventional weapons proliferation.
- Note information from the Arms Sales Monitoring Project of the AFS.
- Observatoire des transferts d'armements
- Jane's International Defense ReviewJane's International Defense Review is a world leading publication covering land, sea, air and joint services, delivering detailed analysis of defence technology, equipment and strategy. You can rely on this invaluable resource to monitor emerging systems and track current programmes across the defence spectrum. Visit http://idr.janes.com for further information and sample articles.
- Jane's Missiles and RocketsPrecision guided news and analysisBe equipped with the most authoritative news and in-depth analysis of the technology and techniques of the missile world with Jane's Missiles & Rockets. This unique resource ensures you can track industry and technology developments, staying aware of the latest programmes, and of the new concepts which will be used in the weapons of tomorrow. Jane's Missiles & Rockets helps designers, manufacturers and users of these weapons by providing the most authoritative information available.
- Jane's Navy InternationalThe global magazine of naval operations and technologyJane's Navy International ensures that you always receive timely, accurate and impartial coverage of key operations, technology and procurement issues as they affect maritime security. You will be drawing on the impartial and authoritative analysis of a global network of correspondents complemented by Jane's in-house naval expertise to gain vital naval intelligence you need.
- Jane's Defence IndustryThe inside industry briefing for defence professionalsJane's Defence Industry is a concise 'one-stop source' of the latest developments and analysis in the defence industry. This unique briefing ensures you have the complete industry picture. Ensure you stay ahead of competitors and keep informed of business opportunities worldwide. Visit http://jdin.janes.com for further information and sample articles
- Jane's Defence UpgradesUpdate your upgrade informationJane's Defence Upgrades is the only dedicated source for the modernisation and upgrade market across all three services, allowing you to identify upgrade opportunities and monitor existing programmes throughout the world. Jane's Defence Upgrades provides service/country news and analysis of upcoming and in-place upgrade programmes plus relevant background, ensuring you stay abreast of the latest developments. Visit http://jdu.janes.com for further information and sample articles. Jane's Defence WeeklyThe first line of defenceJane's Defence Weekly prides itself not on being the first with a story, but on being the best. No other publication is as accurate as Jane's Defence Weekly at pinpointing geopolitical threats and analysing military activity across the world. It has a reputation not only for finding the facts, but for expert, meaningful interpretation of what we see on the battlefields, at sea, in the air and in the executive suites and command centres throughout the world. Visit http://jdw.janes.com for further details and sample articles.
Federation of American Scientists Analyses public policy for global security; covers Arms Sales Monitoring, Biological Weapons, CyberStrategy, Intelligence Reform, Military Analysis, Monitoring Emerging Diseases, Nuclear Weapons, Secrecy and Government and Space Policy
- Jane's ChemBioContinuous chem-bio threat assessmentMonitor the latest chem-bio developments with this near-realtime online service. In addition to breaking chem-bio news, you will find information on global policy changes and evolving methodologies to ensure you are constantly informed of the current situation around the world. An invaluable resource for anyone involved in meeting the chem-bio threat.
FRS - Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique FRS - stratégie, défense, relations internationales, sécurité, débats stratégiques, technologies,...
Réseau ISN :Les partenaires de la FRS -
Centre d'information du Collège de défense canadien
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS)
Strategic Intelligence Page-- A large selection of links from the Political Science Department at Loyola College in Maryland.
Stratnet-- The Strategic Studies Network on the World Wide Web, from the Strategic Studies Program at the University of Calgary in Alberta
International Institute for Strategic Studies-- An independent center in London for research, information, and debate on the problems of conflict.
Loyola University Home Page on Strategic Intelligence-- Large site, with official and academic material.
ISC, IHCC et CFHM - Le site de la stratégie et de l'histoire Le meilleur site français pour la stratégie - the ultimate french site for strategy...
Groupe belge de recherche et d'information sur la sécurité (GRIP)
Institut de stratégie comparée
Infoveille, l'actualité militaire et stratégique sur le Net http://www.infoveille.com/
Les services de Stratfor: | Home | GeoPolitics | GeoEconomics | GeoSecurity | Flash Points | Forecasts | WorldView | YourView | Asia | CIS & Eastern Europe | Europe | Latin America | Middle East & Africa | The Intelligence Archive |Global Intelligence Update | Webmaster
Portail histoire militaire et géopolitique http://www.net4war.com
Foreign Media Reaction-- Reports prepared by the U. S. Department of State, as a global round-up of editorial reaction to a major foreign policy issue or event.
Projection navale de l'Europe
Le site de la stratégie dans l'histoire http://www.stratisc.org/ ISC - Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes / Sciences historiques et philologiques
- BEZOK: comment vivrons-nous demain?
RAND, célèbre organisation de recherche et prospective
Jane's Foreign Report A record of insider-reporting and early-warning that is second-to-none Pinpoint major global upheavals before they happen with the world’s most accurate, early-warning service. Jane’s Foreign Report’s profound understanding of the underlying causes of current and potential conflicts gives you access to forecasts and behind-the-headlines revelations that will help you monitor geopolitical developments and their impact on global stability.
Système d'alerte aux conflits (notamment dans les pays en développement)
International Alert Launched recently by International Alert, this site is intended to provide open access to IA's reporting on conflicts and crises around the world.
Forum on Early Warning and Early Response (FEWER) - http://www.fewer.org Global humanitarian coalition of organisations working for early warning and the prevention of violent conflicts.
(sélection GEOSCOPIE, avec le moteur GIGABLAST)