Herman Miller: Workplace Issues White Papers
Herman Miller has assembled several well-researched white papers on issues relating to office design and the changing workspace. One example: " Office Environments: The North American Perspective" is an overview of the " fundamental transformation" in work and how these changes relate to the physical environment. Other papers cover specific topics such as ergonomics, lighting, and the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Steelcase: Workplace Knowledge
Steelcase offers information in three areas under the general banner of Workplace Knowledge. " Knowledge and Information" is a series of reports on four broad office-related topics. The " Case Studies" section provides examples of office-design problems and solutions. The Knowledge Report is an online newsletter dedicated to " exploring how the workplace is changing and why."
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POPULATION: M. Godet, " Fluctuations démographiques et économiques : leçons du passé et question pour l'avenir" Colloque CAE, Février 2001 Article c
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