Workshop 2 - «Development of services provision for SMEs and firm creation in the field of Internet"

Programme du séminaire 
Atelier 1
Atelier 2 
Atelier 3 
Atelier 4 
  The Issue: The development of any technology relies on the interaction between supply and demand. Demand is the decisive factor, but it can only grow if an appropriate supply is provided. The first problem is thus to have an Internet technological supply that suits SME needs. 

However Internet technologies also generate an entire range of new services designed to serve a world market. 

The question put to the public authorities is therefore: what can be done to facilitate and encourage the creation of a wide range of Internet -based services, which will both meet European SME demand and be capable of becoming established on the world market? 

Suggested contributions: 

  • Action being taken to create a high-quality support services (private and/or public) in Internet technologies.
  • Assistance in creating and expanding companies including innovative Internet-based services,
  • Promoting companies that have developed high-performance Internet products.