Workshop 1. - How can the Internet demand of SMEs be developed ?

Programme du séminaire 
Atelier 1
Atelier 2 
Atelier 3 
Atelier 4 
    The Issue: Experience in recent years has shown that the Internet can disrupt SMEs in their management, production, trading, etc. Yet, these same SMEs know little about these technologies; they believe that they are inaccessible or are worried about the fact that they may disrupt their business. Consequently, these technologies still have a very uneven penetration rate. Sometimes they are only partially used (e.g. limited to e-mail) and are even used counterproductively ("dead" web site).

The question to be put to the public authorities is therefore: what can be done to make SMEs aware of the advantages of the Internet and encourage them to integrate this consideration into their strategy?

Examples of suggested contributions:

  • Making SMEs aware of the advantages of the Internet.
  • Training company managers in the benefits of the Internet
  • Training companies in Internet technologies.
  • Presentation of case studies.
  • Setting up Internet diagnostics.
  • The use of the Internet by the government in its relations with SMEs.
  • The type of advice needed by SMEs.