Workshop 1 « How can the Internet demand of SMEs be developed ? »

Speaker : Mr Michael SEIFERT

Title : Project Manager TELEFIT, Webmaster WIFI, Internet-Consultant
Organism : WIFI (Institute of Economic Promotion, Economic Chamber)
Country : Austria
Postal Address : Wiedner Hauptstr. 63, A-1045 Vienna
Phone : +43 1 50105-4526
TELEFIT - The Austrian Way

"TELEFIT" is a project supported by the "European Fonds for Regional Development" (EFRE), the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Austrian Provinces and the Economic Chamber of Austria. This project is offered via the distribution-network of the Institute for Economic Promotion as project coordinator.

The project "TELEFIT" should support the Austrian SMEs to get ready for the new challenges related to telecommunication. TELEFIT gives the entrepreneurs the opportunity to profit from telecommunication.

Made for their personal needs TELEFIT provides fundamental information and financial support for the consultation-fees. The content TELEFIT offers is especially designed for SMEs and covers the important areas of telecommunication:

The following TELEFIT-products are available:

The TELEFIT-Show is the ideal start.
There are more than 60 kick-off-shows until mid of 1999 in the area of Austria. These shows offer the opportunity to get a survey over the use of telecommunication. Experts explain practical examples of the possible use of telecommunication for businesses. The SMEs get information about future trends and the role of telecommunication for the economy. Taking part in the show gives the entrepreneurs an important base to get a realistic picture of the possible use of telecommunication for their businesses. Participation is free of charge.

The TELEFIT-Seminar gives a survey.
The TELEFIT-Seminar is a concrete further education. Experts speak about all areas that are covered by the project:

The entrepreneurs taking part in the TELEFIT-seminar get the necessary knowledge about general and concrete applications of the new technologies. Participants are informed about necessary technical prerequisites and how to use already existing infrastructure.
They also get support in their firms: The seminar includes one day of individual consultation in each firm.

TELEFIT-Individual for concrete applications The perfectly suitable consultation for future telecommunication-user. Experts support the entrepreneurs up to max. 25 days in their firms. The consultants analyse - together with the employees- the work-process and help them to install telecommunication. This concrete advice makes sure, that the right solution is found and wrong investments are avoided. The experts help to find and realize the cheapest and most efficient possibility. This efficient advice gives the SMEs the ideal prerequisites for a successful use of telecommunication in businesses.

TELEFIT-Spezial provides a wide range of special training course (even online) in the different areas of telecommunication. We support life long training.

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