How to stimulate demand for Internet services among SME’s?
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Conclusions :  Présentations Power Point  
Workshop results

the facts

SMEs constitute the backbone of the business community in all EU countries.

low levels of penetration of Internet among European SMEs.

the number of SMEs using  Internet in business activities is growing very slowly.

ICT integrated in the business activity produce an increase of several points in economic growth in general.


lack of vision among SMEs about the importance of using Internet in their business activity.

it is not just a matter of costly investments or technical capabilities in SMEs but of transforming the concept of business as a whole, in particular marketing skills.

when becoming global through the use of Internet language can be a serious problem for many SMEs.

diagnostic (2)

Internet growth among SMEs should be a bottom-up process pushed by professional associations, chambers of commerce and local, national and international authorities.

raising awareness among SMEs that Internet use is vital for them is a process that must start before it is too late.


training in the use of new technologies is commonly seen as a mean to raise awareness about the importance of Internet among SMEs. Academic institutions could make an important contribution.

case studies with successful Internet stories in Europe should be widely circulated.

different types of SMEs (size, sector of economic activity, regional background) ought to be approached differently

solutions (2)

becoming active in Internet does not require transforming yourself into a global player.

step-by-step introduction of Internet can be an easy process for many SMEs (first e-mail, second information gathering, then online retailing).

language concerns should not be such a problem when considering business-to-business relations through Internet.

a critical mass in market presence must be achieved