The great value of human intelligence is not in finding the truth, but in making the effort to discover it.

EVARISTE GALOIS (France; 1811-1832)

Welcome to the G8 - Information Network
for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

The French SME Homepage and Contribution to the G8- Pilotproject
for promoting the Information Society

An introduction to EVARISTE

A starting point and a meeting point at a time.

EVARISTE (Etude et Valorisation des Activités de Recherche et d'Innovation Scientifique et Technique pour les Entreprises) is an official WWW site of the French Ministry of Industry, focused on innovation and technology transfer. It is designed to become a fully operational market place. It works as a starting point giving access to a series of other WWW sites and databases with lists of public and private research centers, especially in France.
EVARISTE opened on April 10th, 1996, and is continuously growing. It is intended to exchange links with other similar sites around the world.

Matching requests vs. offers

Evaluations of public policies in the field of innovation demonstrate that it is a process working best as a collective approach. Innovative enterprises live in a complex environment which provides a continuous flow of technological features, expert matters and financial support. Hence, maintaining a high level of industrial performance is strongly linked with the close embedding of innovation suppliers, venture capitalists, and enterprises of any size. All of them need an appropriate market place where new offers of technology may meet industrial needs as freely as possible.

Key technologies

Since it was opened, EVARISTE delivered an on-line version of the output of a recent work achieved by the French ministry of Industry, entitled "100 key technologies", which provides an analysis grid, for public authorities as well as for industrial managers, exploring forces and weaknesses of the French industry and research achievements. A keyword system was designed to help navigation through the above mentioned technologies.

A market place

A market place in the field of technology will allow each one to meet others on the Net. On one hand, research centers and industrial laboratories may present their owns offers. On the other hand, enterprises may send their own requests. Validation of the hosted messages and respect of industrial confidentiality will be provided by the WWW site managing team.

Home Page of Global Information Network for SMEs
Global Marketplace for SMEs

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All contents Copyright © 1997, French G7-SME-Project - MIPT
The French G7-SME pages are maintained and released by the French EVARISTE G7-SME ProjectTeam.
Questions and comments go to the G7-SME-F-Webmaster.
Design Copyright © 1997 EVARISTE's Team

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