See also :
Thierry Roch, Francais a l'etranger (pas tres loin : Maastricht)
suggere de rajouter (car ces informations sont utiles) les
numeros d'acces suivant :
- 3614 33 36 43 14 14
- 3615 33 36 43 15 15
- 3616 33 36 43 16 16
- 3617 33 36 43 17 17
About Minitel services
The amount of information now available on the Internet from
french governmental and official sources may seem relatively low.
The reason is that Internet has been till now considered not totally secure.
French authorities have preferred to develop since early '80s their own
Minitel system, based on the V23 protocol.
There are now more than 6 000 000 minitels in the country, and a lot of PC's
can emulate the V23 protocol. A wide range of services was developped and made
widely accessible to the users. Even foreign countries may access that system
through telephone lines, and one may visit it around the world...
in the french embassies.
Software companies have developed very efficient algorithms to handle
large databases. Some of them are especially worth of use :
the 3611 (annuaire electronique) may provide in a second the dial
number and address of anyone in France (who accepted that his name appears).
- the 3615 DOCTEL server give the name of government members and their close
(Last update : Wed, Oct 12, 2016)
- the 3615 ADMITEL server give name, function and phone number of the
most important workers in civil services.
There are now a lot of
treasures lying in the Minitel system.
People are imagining ways for translating it to the Internet system.
The major problem could arise from the fact that service providers use
to charge for the access to their databases, and they don't know how to
deal with the Internet.
Grateful thanks to
- Hassan ; hassan@maroc-hebdo.press.ma
- Marc Venot ; venot@mail.globalserve.net
Daniel Mavrakis ; mavrakis@mctel.fr
- Jacques Halluin ; jhalluin@erols.com (FrenchTalk)
- Philippe Kauffmann ; kauffmann@minitel.fr (France Telecom Intelmatique)
Claude Gross; Claude.Gross@imag.fr (UREC)
- Jean-Louis LE GUILLOU ; jllg@imaginet.fr
for their constructive help
They Point to us (discovery order) ... thanks !