Western medicine and the Chinese vision
Papers and debates, 18 November 1999
2nd part : Chinese medicine  



Mrs ALLUIN feels that, overall, the approach of both medicines is equivalent and that Chinese and western medicines are roughly parallel.
Therefore, following technical progress, the human dimension has been reintroduced into western medicine after having been discarded for a time to the benefit of drugs.

She emphasised that, behind the symptoms observed, there may be a context which the patient must be made to sense, but patients find it hard to admit they have a problem other than that for which they are consulting; in effect many people somatise, which requires devoting time to them to sort matters out, particularly regarding patients who find it hard to speak openly.

In the case of long-tenn treatments, such as oxygenotherapy, an educational approach is necessary as part of overall treatment-it is not enough just to give oxygen.

Generally speaking, ov erall treatinent for patients is developing in pneumology so that patients become aware of their health and participate in their treatment.

On request by Mr COCUDE, Mrs ALLUIN presented the SPIR: Service de suivi des pneumoconiotiques et insuffisants respiratoires (Department monitoring pneumoconiotics and respiratory insufficiency sufférers).

This departinent, which comes under the AHNAC (Association Hospitalière Nord Artois Cliniques), has two activities:

  • Annual monitoring of sufférers of pneunioconiosis, silicosis or asbestosis, and screening of cancerogenic substances such as benzene and asbestos in the mining social security scheme.
  • The ADER: association pour les soins à domicile d'insuffisants respiratoires (home care association for respiratory insufficiency sufférers) monitors approximately 1600 patients in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais using at home ambulatory oxygen equipment or a ventilator. They are pneumoconiotics, but there are also many patients sufféring from chronic bronchitis.

In fact few persons; wish to participate in a rehabilitation programme owing to their advanced age or the development of other pathologies (heart or endocrinology problems, arthritis) but also on account of probleins related to changes in fmancial compensation.


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