From Mon Mar 10 09:47 MET 1997 X-Sender: (Unverified) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 09:45:43 -0600 From: Patrick SchoullerSubject: PARTENARIATS ESPAGNOLS TRANSPORT ET ENIRONNEMENT TAP PARTNERS SEARCH, SECTOR: ENVIRONMENT 1. General Details Name of organization: S.A. de INSTALACIONES DE CONTROL Address: Tamarguillo nº 29. zip code: 41006; Seville, Spain Contact person and title: Francisco Caballero Tel.: (95) 4920992 Fax: (95) 4923921 E-mail: Sector: Industry Legal Form: S.A. Year founded: 1.963 Turnover in ECU: 63 MECU No. of full-time employees: 300 Subsidiary of larger firm? Yes x No ÿ Turnover invested in R&D: 8 % Nº of staff in R&D: 50 I agree with the dissemination of the information in this questionnaire. Date/Place: on February 24th 1997/ Seville 2. Areas of Activity x Research ÿ Basic x Applied x Development x Construction/production x Prototype x Small series ÿ Full-scale x Testing/analysis ÿ Other, please state Previous or current participation in EU RTD programmes/projects? x Yes ÿ No Own EU RTD projects planned? ÿ Yes x No 3. Areas of Expertise and Facilities SAINCO belongs to the so-called Control Systems Group of ABENGOA, with an annual turnover in excess of 120 MECU and workforce of more than 1.000 employees. Its main research, engineering and manufacturing lines are: meteorology, water, environmental proteccion, electric power generation, electric power transmission, electrical distribution automation, oil & gas, factory automation, transport, document imaging, hardware products, software products, communications and construction. We would like to participe in a consortium for the call for proposal of TELEMATICS Programme (deadline 15/04/97) in the following tasks of the Environment area: 1. Integrated Environmental Emergency Management= Systems Task: EN 1.1. Integration of Environmental Emergengy management. 2. Local and Regional Environment Management Support Systems Task: EN 2.3. Environmental Management support systems. SAINCO can contribute with expertise in the areas of management and monitoring systems for water recources, water quality, noise, pollution and forest fire. That includes GIS technologies and behaviour modelling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- TAP PARTNERS SEARCH, SECTOR: TRANSPORT Company Profile Questionnaire for EU Project Consortia Reference Nº: 1. General Details Name of organization: S.A. de INSTALACIONES DE CONTROL Address: Tamarguillo nº 29. zip code: 41006; Seville, Spain Contact person and title: Francisco Caballero Tel.: (95) 4920992 Fax: (95) 4923921 E-mail: Sector: Industry Legal Form: S.A. Year founded: 1.963 Turnover in ECU: 63 MECU No. of full-time employees: 300 Subsidiary of larger firm? Yes x No ÿ Turnover invested in R&D: 8 % Nº of staff in R&D: 50 I agree with the dissemination of the information in this questionnaire. Date/Place: on February 24th 1997/ Seville 2. Areas of Activity x Research ÿ Basic x Applied x Development x Construction/production x Prototype x Small series ÿ Full-scale x Testing/analysis ÿ Other, please state Previous or current participation in EU RTD programmes/projects? x Yes ÿ No Own EU RTD projects planned? ÿ Yes x No 3. Areas of Expertise and Facilities SAINCO belongs to the so-called Control Systems Group of ABENGOA, with an annual turnover in excess of 120 MECU and workforce of more than 1.000 employees. Its main research, engineering and manufacturing lines are: meteorology, water, environmental proteccion, electric power generation, electric power transmission, electrical distribution automation, oil & gas, factory automation, transport, document imaging, hardware products, software products, communications and construction. We would like to participe in a consortium for the call for proposal of TELEMATICS Programme (deadline 15/04/97) in the following tasks of the Transport area: 3. Telematics Network Management, Operation and= Control Task: TR 3.24. Weather data and nowcasting. Task: TR 3.27. Control Centres (for railways). 5. Telematics for Vehicle Control Task: EN 5.9. Train Position Locator. SAINCO can contribute with great expertise in the areas of management of railways and subway traffic, train positioning (location) and train-ground communications. We are also interested in a consortium of the Transport programme within the before areas. **************************************************************** Patrick SCHOULLER MINISTERE DE L'INDUSTRIE DE LA POSTE ET DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS Direction Generale des Strategies Industrielles 3/5 rue Barbet de Jouy 75353 PARIS 07 SP Telephone : + 33 (1) 43 19 34 25 Telecopie : + 33 (1) 43 19 35 51 E Mail : ****************************************************************