
Workshop 1 « How can the Internet demand of SMEs be developed ? »


Title : Project Manager International Projects
Organism : IHK (German Chambers of Commerce)
Country : GERMANY
Postal Address : Emil-Figge Str. 86 44227 DORTMUND
Phone : 49.23197460

MediaMit - A successful Networking initiative of the German Chamber Organization in order to transfer new businesses co-operations and technology throughout Germany

AGENT-ISME-Scenarios of co-operation within the mechanical and engineering sector: opportunities and benefits for SMEs

The new challenge for CCIs and their members

The DIHT - Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the central organisation of 83 Chambers of Commerce and Industry has its headquarters in Bonn. (More information see: ).

In order to support the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises, the DIHT especially support concentrated initiatives in the field of electronic commerce technologies. The coherent and efficient multimedia information strategies within the DIHT is a core element, actually leading to the concept of a nation-wide activity of the MediaMit-Initiative. When ever needed, these activities are supported by affiliated companies, as there is the DECODA GmbH, with its important role to play in achieving confidence in electronic commerce by acting as „Certification Authority" of the German Chamber organisation.

With his activities, the DIHT shows a keen interest in electronic commerce and recognised it’s responsibility with regard to raising awareness, training and facilitating electronic commerce towards its members. For these reasons, the MediaMit-activities play a key role within this topic.

The internal and external infrastructure and communication platform for the Chamber activities have been realised by the IHK Gesellschaft für Informationsverarbeitung mbH, system- and software-house and the data processing centre of the German Chamber Organisation. IHK-GfI with its section International projects is also leading the AGENTISME-Project.

The AGENTISME-project (abbreviation for Assessment and Usability of Global Engineering Technology (GEN) for Small and Medium-sized Companies) focuses on an information network to assess, demonstrate and provide value added Electronic Commerce marketplace services to small and medium-sized engineering companies. The project includes best practice scenarios that have been deducted from the real business cycles of mechanical engineering SMEs, and specifically demonstrate how, in particular, small companies can benefit from Internet usage at passably efforts and expenditures. (More information see: ).

Concept of MediaMit: Neue Medien für den Mittelstand

Since 1995, the DIHT is concentrating its efforts concerning multimedia activities in Germany. In February 1997, there has been realised a major MediaMit in Cologne in addition to smaller user days in the regional chambers. The MediaMit - Neue Medien für den Mittelstand is based on a holistic approach to reach small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) not yet involved in multimedia technologies. MediaMit starts at the main entrance barriers for SMEs: the lack of awareness, customised and simple information and training. Key success factors of the MediaMit to foster the rapid uptake of electronic commerce are creating awareness by simplification, user-orientation, SME-tailored training, the demonstration of visible and tangible best practice show cases generated by multimedia technologies through its holistic approach.

MediaMit - Access to technology for SMEs action throughout the network of 83 Chambers of Industry and Commerce consists of the following steps and activities.

network of excellence

sponsoring concept: MediaMit is organised from the economy for the economy

best practice oriented workshops


coherent marketing concept to reach Smells

Network of Excellence

The network consists on partners, which can reach the small and medium-sized enterprises on a regional, local and on the other hand on an national level. Therefore, the MediaMit-Partners are

DIHT - Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce

Regional Chambers of Industry and Commerce

IHK Gesellschaft für Informationsverarbeitung mbH

Regional and local development agencies

Regional initiatives fostering of the information society

Sector-oriented organisations (Trade, Assurances, banking, etc.)

Economy: information, technology and service providers, etc and experienced small companies: GMD, etc.

National and local media: press, television, etc

In addition the regional partners co-operate partly with national organisations and associations, which are specialised in Electronic commerce.

The structure of the partnerships make sure that the already existing support network for SMEs is fully activated to reach the regional SMEs. There is no need for the SMEs to get in touch with unknown organisations. This is absolutely necessary because successful targeting of SMEs is mainly a question of trust and experience

Through the integration of the regional technology industry into the MediaMit, the SME’s which should use electronic commerce are brought into direct contact with Internet providers, service- and content provider. Thereby the Know-how of the technology industry can directly be used during the MediaMit and after it.

Regional and local development agencies as MediaNRW having the direct access to individual small and medium-sized enterprises, expressing their requirements. They are experienced with the research on SME-requirements and field tests.

The participating regional Chambers of Industry and Commerce takes over the regional responsibility of the MediaMit to improve to make their members aware of new products and services to enhance their profitability. The CCI work closely together with the DIHT to assure the close link of national and regional activities. Other SME-organisations as there are the regional sector-oriented associations assure the sectored approach to SMEs.

The local technology and Information providers are facilitating the access to efficient and pre-selected business information, which supports the acceptance of the SME using the internet for actual information research.

Service providers, who exploit services on the basis of the growing global information infrastructure, offering services, accessible from different platforms to the emerging electronic marketplaces. They take care of the operational aspects of installing the hard- and software during such an event.


As the network of excellence shows above, the concept and realisation of every MediaMit is based on an economy approach by using the power of the economy. The partners of each MediaMit finance the whole event without any federal support. Big companies are going to be sponsors in a national-wide level for the MediaMit and within the regions, local sponsors as the above mentioned electronic commerce industry support the regional MediaMit because of their local interest.

Concept of workshops

Doing business electronically needs more than a sophisticated handbook. SME needs support „on the fly". Each MediaMit provides support and training facilities which enables SMEs to cope with the technological change step by step. Main areas are the following:

on-line services

Electronic Commerce



electronic banking

security aspects and legal framework


Each workshop clearly underlines the Bottom up approach by presenting local and regional based activities which clearly spelled out the real need and proposed solutions by the regional user. Within all workshops, mainly users supported by the electronic commerce partner when necessary, explain their experiences to the participants.


Another main element of the MediaMit is the exhibition. It gives the possibility to the SMEs to intensify his knowledge’s from the workshops and to get in direct contact with the regional electronic commerce industry. And the industry itself takes this advantage to better understand the real need of the SMEs. MediaMit is in favour to help smaller companies to present themselves on a common platform. This has been successfully used in Cologne and is very much welcomed by the companies in the region of Ruhr.

Marketing concept and timing

To organise a successful MediaMit, the planning of each event has to start very early. The DIHT works since 1995 continuously on the MediaMit-Activities in order to guarantee a successful event in the region where the next user day take place. A main focus is of course the continuous adaptation of the concepts to the growing evolution of the new technologies. Together with the regional Chamber and its other MediaMit partners, the real user needs are respected.

Before the user day starts, a intensive marketing and public relation campaign has to be done. The main focus is upon the traditional way because the SMEs take as their primary information resources still daily regional newsletter or the regional Chamber journal for economic information.

Announcements and articles are published in the economic journal of the 83 Chambers of Commerce and Industry, spots, reports and articles are published within daily newspapers, TV and Radio.

Written material as folders are distributed via selected channels to SMEs before each MediaMit and success stories are given in written form to the participants of the user days. This allows all participants to get in contact to any interested body or organisation still after the end of the MediaMit.

More information are continuously available under The web-site contains information about the last and current ongoing awareness activities. Besides the programme, articles, the site offers a forum for discussion on the workshop contents and allows a direct connection or e-mail contact to the speakers within workshops. Users have the possibility to connect themselves to all regional contact points taking part within the MediaMit. The web-site allows via electronic search a direct response to questions concerning technical vocabulary.

Contact persons: 

Dr. Jörg Scheinpflug
Adenauerallee 148
53113 Bonn
Telefon: +49/228/104-606
Fax:+ 49/228/104-699
IHK- GfI/International Projects
Monika Jungemann-Dorner
Emil-Figge-Str. 86
44227 Dortmund