Collective actions based on use of Internet for SMEs

Mr Olivier de GUIBERT
Direction Régionale de l'Industrie,
de la Recherche et de l'Environnement Picardie
44, rue Alexandre Dumas
Tél. 333 22 33 66 30

Fax : 333 22 33 66 22
Conclusions :  Présentations Power Point  
• Heavy demand (gross sales)
• Less after initial sort
– without structures
– participating SMEs and not simply customers
• Few trials

•  Trials: Italy

• 80% of SMEs consider it a source of business
• Special case of districts
• Large-scale collective actions

•  Trials: United Kingdom
The Autolean project
• Voluntary: Trial and demonstration with 20 SMEs
• Involvement of a large contractor
• Pragmatism: Training, follow-up, meticulousness

 Trials results: SMEs

• Objective-driven
• Coordination
• Proximity
• Multipurpose
• Genuine community

 Internet contribution

• A communication tool
 but not just that:
• Diversity of applications
• Diversity of changes
– Commercial marketing
– Technologies, competitive and economic intelligence
– Management, etc.

 Internet hazards

• Deceptive simplicity (training not enough)
• Complexity ==> methods, costs
• Collective actions can be harmful!
– Showcase sites "disconnected"
– Alerting service not updated
• Internet benefits small and intelligent projects - not collective ones

 Internet as goal

• A "system" dynamic
 ==> constant changes and adjustments
• Let the developers go first …
• Educational aspect of project
– Doing ; understanding; learning


• A virtual question?
• Monitoring of trials yet to be undertaken
• An embryonic subject, a field to explore...