Législation communautaire en vigueur
Document 395R1054
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[ 03.60.51 - Céréales ]
Actes modifiés:
387R2723 (Modification)
Règlement (CE) n° 1054/95 de la Commission du 11 mai 1995 modifiant le règlement (CEE) n° 2723/87 portant modalités particulières d'application du régime des restitutions à l'exportation pour les céréales exportées sous forme de pâtes alimentaires relevant des sous- positions 1902 11 00 et 1902 19 de la nomenclature combinée
Journal officiel n° L 107 du 12/05/1995 p. 0005 - 0013
RÈGLEMENT (CE) N° 1054/95 DE LA COMMISSION du 11 mai 1995 modifiant le règlement (CEE) n° 2723/87 portant modalités particulières d'application du régime des restitutions à l'exportation pour les céréales exportées sous forme de pâtes alimentaires relevant des sous-positions 1902 11 00 et 1902 19 de la nomenclature combinée LA COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES, vu le traité instituant la Communauté européenne, vu le règlement (CE) n° 3448/93 du Conseil, du 6 décembre 1993, déterminant le régime d'échange applicable à certaines marchandises résultant de la transformation de produits agricoles (1), et notamment son article 8 paragraphe 3, considérant qu'il est opportun de prévoir que les pâtes alimentaires des codes NC 1902 11 00 et 1902 19 exportées vers les États-Unis d'Amérique soient accompagnées, soit d'un certificat indiquant qu'elles sont exportées suite à une opération de trafic de perfectionnement actif, soit d'un certificat indiquant qu'elles bénéficient ou ne bénéficient pas d'un taux de restitution applicable en cas d'exportation vers les États-Unis d'Amérique pour les produits de base relevant du secteur des céréales ayant servi à leur élaboration; considérant qu'il convient de mettre à jour la dénomination du service responsable de la Commission pour recevoir les communications des États membres concernant les données statistiques relatives aux quantités de pâtes alimentaires; considérant que les mesures prévues au présent règlement sont conformes à l'avis du comité de gestion des questions horizontales relatives aux échanges de produits agricoles transformés hors annexe II, A ARRÊTÉ LE PRÉSENT RÈGLEMENT:
Article premier Le règlement (CEE) n° 2723/87 de la Commission (2) est modifié comme suit. 1) À l'article 2 paragraphe 1, la phrase « Certificate for the export with refund of pasta to the USA » est remplacée par la phrase « Certificate for the export of pasta to the USA ». 2) À l'article 4, le paragraphe 2 est remplacé par le texte suivant: « 2. L'autorité compétente coche, à la case 10 de l'original et des copies du "certificate P2", la partie adéquate selon que les marchandises bénéficieront d'une restitution ou ne bénéficieront pas de restitution. Le bureau de douane visé à l'article 3 paragraphe 2 vérifie que le document est dûment complété et appose son visa dans la case 10 de l'original et des copies du "certificate P2". » 3) Le texte de l'article 6 est remplacé par le texte suivant: « Article 6 Les autorités compétentes des États membres communiquent à la Commission, au plus tard à la fin de chaque mois, les données statistiques concernant les quantités de pâtes alimentaires, par sous-position du tarif douanier commun, en spécifiant les quantités qui bénéficieront de restitution à l'exportation et les quantités qui ne bénéficieront pas de restitution à l'exportation, pour lesquelles des certificats ont été visés au cours du mois précédent par les bureaux de douane où ont lieu les acceptations des déclarations d'exportation à l'adresse suivante: Commission européenne Direction générale "III Industrie" Régime "Hors annexe II" Rue de la Loi 200 B-1049 Bruxelles. » 4) L'annexe I est remplacée par l'annexe du présent règlement. Article 2 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le septième jour suivant celui de sa publication au Journal officiel des Communautés européennes. Il est applicable aux exportations pour lesquelles l'acceptation, par les services douaniers, de la déclaration d'exportation a eu lieu à partir du 1er juillet 1995. Le présent règlement est obligatoire dans tous ses éléments et directement applicable dans tout État membre. Fait à Bruxelles, le 11 mai 1995. Par la Commission Martin BANGEMANN Membre de la Commission
ANEXO - BILAG - ANHANG - ÐÁÑÁÑÔÇÌÁ - ANNEX - ANNEXE - ALLEGATO - BIJLAGE - ANEXO - BILAGA - LIITE >DEBUT DE GRAPHIQUE> 1 Exporter (Name and full address, including Member State) CERTIFICATE FOR THE EXPORT P 2 OF PASTA TO THE USA No ORIGINAL 2 Consignee (Name and full address) 3 ISSUING AUTHORITY NOTES A. The original and copies 1, 2 and 3 of this form, boxes 1, 2 and 4 to 8 of which must be completed by the exporter, are endorsed by the issuing authority shown in box 3. 4 Member State of export 5 Country of destination B. The original and copies 1 and 2 with the endorsement by the issuing authority in box 9 must be presented to the competent customs office in the Community at which the export declaration relating to the goods is lodged. C. Copy 1 with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be presented to the competent customs authorities in the United States of America. D. The original with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be sent by the exporter to the paying agency of the Member State of export. 6 Marks and numbers - Number and kind of packages - Description of goods 7 Gross mass (kg) 8 Net mass (kg) 9 ENDORSEMENT BY ISSUING AUTHORITY: Place and date: Signature: Stamp: 10 ENDORSEMENT BY THE COMPETENT CUSTOMS OFFICE IN THE COMMUNITY This is to certify that for the goods described above (enter × where applicable): - a refund rate in conformity with the terms of the EC/USA settlement on pasta shall be requested - no refund shall be requested This is to certify that customs export formalities for the goods described above have been carried out Export document: Type: Number: Date of acceptance of declaration: Customs office: Member State: Place and date: Signature: Stamp:>FIN DE GRAPHIQUE> >DEBUT DE GRAPHIQUE> 1 Exporter (Name and full address, including Member State) CERTIFICATE FOR THE EXPORT P 2 OF PASTA TO THE USA No COPY 1 2 Consignee (Name and full address) 3 ISSUING AUTHORITY NOTES A. The original and copies 1, 2 and 3 of this form, boxes 1, 2 and 4 to 8 of which must be completed by the exporter, are endorsed by the issuing authority shown in box 3. 4 Member State of export 5 Country of destination B. The original and copies 1 and 2 with the endorsement by the issuing authority in box 9 must be presented to the competent customs office in the Community at which the export declaration relating to the goods is lodged. C. Copy 1 with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be presented to the competent customs authorities in the United States of America. D. The original with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be sent by the exporter to the paying agency of the Member State of export. 6 Marks and numbers - Number and kind of packages - Description of goods 7 Gross mass (kg) 8 Net mass (kg) 9 ENDORSEMENT BY ISSUING AUTHORITY: Place and date: Signature: Stamp: 10 ENDORSEMENT BY THE COMPETENT CUSTOMS OFFICE IN THE COMMUNITY This is to certify that for the goods described above (enter × where applicable): - a refund rate in conformity with the terms of the EC/USA settlement on pasta shall be requested - no refund shall be requested This is to certify that customs export formalities for the goods described above have been carried out Export document: Type: Number: Date of acceptance of declaration: Customs office: Member State: Place and date: Signature: Stamp:>FIN DE GRAPHIQUE> >DEBUT DE GRAPHIQUE> 1 Exporter (Name and full address, including Member State) CERTIFICATE FOR THE EXPORT P 2 OF PASTA TO THE USA No COPY 2 2 Consignee (Name and full address) 3 ISSUING AUTHORITY NOTES A. The original and copies 1, 2 and 3 of this form, boxes 1, 2 and 4 to 8 of which must be completed by the exporter, are endorsed by the issuing authority shown in box 3. 4 Member State of export 5 Country of destination B. The original and copies 1 and 2 with the endorsement by the issuing authority in box 9 must be presented to the competent customs office in the Community at which the export declaration relating to the goods is lodged. C. Copy 1 with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be presented to the competent customs authorities in the United States of America. D. The original with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be sent by the exporter to the paying agency of the Member State of export. 6 Marks and numbers - Number and kind of packages - Description of goods 7 Gross mass (kg) 8 Net mass (kg) 9 ENDORSEMENT BY ISSUING AUTHORITY: Place and date: Signature: Stamp: 10 ENDORSEMENT BY THE COMPETENT CUSTOMS OFFICE IN THE COMMUNITY This is to certify that for the goods described above (enter × where applicable): - a refund rate in conformity with the terms of the EC/USA settlement on pasta shall be requested - no refund shall be requested This is to certify that customs export formalities for the goods described above have been carried out Export document: Type: Number: Date of acceptance of declaration: Customs office: Member State: Place and date: Signature: Stamp:>FIN DE GRAPHIQUE> >DEBUT DE GRAPHIQUE> 1 Exporter (Name and full address, including Member State) CERTIFICATE FOR THE EXPORT P 2 OF PASTA TO THE USA No COPY 3 2 Consignee (Name and full address) 3 ISSUING AUTHORITY NOTES A. The original and copies 1, 2 and 3 of this form, boxes 1, 2 and 4 to 8 of which must be completed by the exporter, are endorsed by the issuing authority shown in box 3. 4 Member State of export 5 Country of destination B. The original and copies 1 and 2 with the endorsement by the issuing authority in box 9 must be presented to the competent customs office in the Community at which the export declaration relating to the goods is lodged. C. Copy 1 with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be presented to the competent customs authorities in the United States of America. D. The original with the endorsement, in box 10, by the customs office referred to under B must be sent by the exporter to the paying agency of the Member State of export. 6 Marks and numbers - Number and kind of packages - Description of goods 7 Gross mass (kg) 8 Net mass (kg) 9 ENDORSEMENT BY ISSUING AUTHORITY: Place and date: Signature: Stamp: 10 ENDORSEMENT BY THE COMPETENT CUSTOMS OFFICE IN THE COMMUNITY This is to certify that for the goods described above (enter × where applicable): - a refund rate in conformity with the terms of the EC/USA settlement on pasta shall be requested - no refund shall be requested This is to certify that customs export formalities for the goods described above have been carried out Export document: Type: Number: Date of acceptance of declaration: Customs office: Member State: Place and date: Signature: Stamp: >FIN DE GRAPHIQUE>
Fin du document
Document livré le: 11/03/1999