(Last update : Sat, 18 Oct 1997)
[ français ]


From 1971 to 1981, Jean Scherrer worked ten years within the Regional Offices of the Ministries in charge of Environment and Industry (DRIRE - Regional Directorate for Industry, Research and Environment) in Toulouse, Rouen and Montpellier where he got to know more particularly the technical control of vehicles, pressure vessels, polluting and dangerous industries, hydraulic dams and electric high voltage power lines.

From 1982 Jean Scherrer spent more then ten years within the Nuclear Safety Authority of France (Central Service for Nuclear Installations Safety - SCSIN which became later on Nuclear Installations Safety Directorate - DSIN) of which he was Deputy-director during six years.

During that period, he was Vice-chairman of the French Standing Group of Experts in charge of reactors (GPR) and (from 1990 to 1993) member of the NUSS Advisory Group (NUSSAG) to the Director of the I.A.E.A (International Atomic Energy Agency).

Within the international activities of DSIN, Jean Scherrer travelled mainly in Europe (Germany, Switzerland, IAEA in Vienna, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Czech Republic) and in Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan).

Since 1994, Jean Scherrer is member of the "Conseil Général des Mines", in charge of the specialized inspection of DRIREs in the fields of nuclear safety and pressure vessels. He is adviser to the Director of DSIN and participates to the international activities of that Directorate, particularly for the support of the Safety Authorities in the former Eastern Countries of Europe.

Since january 1995, Jean Scherrer is member of the RSK (Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission), group of experts in Nuclear Safety which provides advice to the German federal Minister in charge of Environment (Bundesminister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit).