From: "mahdia" X-Original-To: To: Mesrs dear sirs Iam Mahdi S.AI- ABADY from Basrah-Iraq. i wish to communicate with your company because that Iam dealing with parfums since 15 years, and Ihave large information about it . Therefore Ihave big parfums shop in "Basrah Sheratton Hotel"content with first class of parfums and it is most famous in Basrah city . in case that you accept my letter please sent me your cattaloges in this respect on the following address . thanking you in advance BEST REGARDS MAHDI S.AL-ABADY 6/6/2001 E-MAIL MAHDIA.B@URUKLINK.NET ADDRESS NO.1 ADDRESS NO.2 FOR SENT CATTALOGE,POSTER, FOR SENT CATTALOGE,POSTER, AND SAMPLES AND SAMPLES Iraq IRAQ BASRAH BASRAH AL-Ashar Bost office BASRAH SHERATTONHOTEL /PARFUM B.O.box1913 SHOP TO MR.MAHDI S.AL-ABADY TO MR.MAHDI S.AL- ________________________________________________________________ Sent via the KillerWebMail system at