Objet: e-democracy?, regions of Europe Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:40:24 +0200 De: Michael Macpherson A: ispo@www.ispo.cec.be Dear colleagues and friends, A very recent congress of the Assembly of the European Regions in Etelä-Pohjanmaa (Ostrobothnia) http://www.epliitto.fi hosted a seminar with the following purpose "The main theme of the General Assembly will be "The new forms of European governance." The idea of the pre-assembly seminar is to look at the needs of developing regional-level administration because of the societal changes. The development of the information society will cause fundamental changes in industrial structures and spatial development. New communication technology will give possibilities to develop new types of services like e-commerce and telemedicine. Wireless communication, internet etc. also give new possibilities to regional and local authorities to develop their own working methods. In the development of European level governance it is thus quite essential to take into account also the needs which arise from the current and forthcoming societal development. The purpose of the seminar is to give some new stimuli for the debate on the main theme of the assembly." I was asked to give a lecture about "The possibilities of information technology to improve and develop democracy and democratic processes". The whole seminar at presently available via WWW as a video. It's at the Assembly of the European Regions AER web site http://www.are-regions-europe.org which links you to http://www.netpres.com/ THURSDAY 7th DECEMBER 2000 09.00-12.30 (watch the recorded video) LINK Seminar organised by the Region of South Ostrobothnia My lecture is in second part of the video. (You need a recent version of RealPlayer - a free version is available.) Watch out for Scottish e-government, presented by George Reid MSP (vice-president of the parliament), and the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who follow my presentation ;-) Sincerely, Michael Macpherson Citizens' Initiative I&R http://iniref.tripod.com/index.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Michael Macpherson, PSAMRA/Integral Studies, Berlin FRG tel.: +49 30 262 3768 e-mail: mjm@berlin.snafu.de INTEGRAL STUDIES http://home.snafu.de/mjm/index.html Join: Democr@cy Forum PSYCHO-SOCIAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH PSAMRA http://home.snafu.de/mjm/psamra.html # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # To leave the list, send email to Majordomo@www.ispo.cec.be saying unsubscribe ispo your@email.address as the first line of your message (*not* as the subject) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #