From Mon Mar 14 19:07:21 2005 Return-Path: From: "Chinese Translation" Subject: Chinese =?GB2312?B?VHJhbnNsYXRpb263rdLr?= To: Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:09:30 +0800 Cost-Effective Solutions for Global Translations! Huayi Translation Co., Ltd Dear International Manager: The Huayi Translation Co., Ltd. is based in Beijing, China, providing high translation services in most of the world's commercially significant languages. In addition to considerable in Chinese and English translations, we offer additional services in the following languages-pairs: English-Chinese, Chinese-English, French-Chinese, Chinese-French, German-Chinese, Chinese-German, Japanese-Chinese, Chinese-Japanese, Russian-Chinese, Chinese-Russian, Korean-Chinese, and Chinese-Korean. We have proven proficiency in large-scale projects and excellent continuing relationships with recognized multinational corporations such as P&G, the Delaware Corporation, Multiling Corporation and many of China's governmental organizations and publishing houses. Our service offering extends from technical and marking materials to over 30 published works of literature. We have in-depth experience in the areas of : Medicine and Medical Instrumentation Mechanics and Materials Engineering Architecture Software & IT Automotive and Railway Cultural and Social Sciences Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Finance and Economics Geology and Environment Protection Biology Corporate Management Commerce Law and Legal Documentation Insurance Education With a staff of eight full-time employees and 1,500 staff translators, we are fully able to deal with the most challenging of projects, regardless of size or complexity. A majority of our managers and full-time employees have doctoral or master's degrees in science, law or other specialties and have considerable knowledge of our client's areas of business activity. We translate both in the traditional way, by human professionals, and by computer-aided translation software. We use industry-standard software such as Star Transit and TermStar. The combination of translation professionals and advanced software technology produces higher quality and elevated productivity. We would greatly appreciate any opportunity to find cost-effective and professional solutions to your company's translations needs. Our management and staff look forward to hearing from you soon! We would greatly appreciate any opportunity to cooperate with your company. Our management and staff look forward to hearing from you soon! Dr. Guo Wuwen General Manager Beijing HuayiNet Translation Co.,Ltd. Tel: 008610-82115891 82115892 Fax: 0086-10-82115893 E-mail: Rates: English-Chinese: US$0.050-0.065/English word Chinese-English: US$0.065-0.080/English word French-Chinese: US$0.055-0.065/French word Chinese-French: US$0.065-0.08/French word German-Chinese: US$0.055-0.065 per German word Chinese-German: US$0.065-0.08 per German word Japanese-Chinese: US$0.045-0.055 /Japanese Character Chinese-Japanese: US$0.045-0.065 /Japanese Character Russian-Chinese: US$0.035-0.045/Chinese Character Chinese-Russian: US$0.045-0.055 /Chinese Character Korean-Chinese: US$0.035-0.045/Chinese Character Chinese-Korean: US$0.045-0.055/ Chinese Character. 国内客户价格不同,请登陆网站或来电话咨询,谢谢! Please accept my apologies if this message is an intrusion. You can e-mail me at: and I will remove your address from our lists. 公司简介:华译网翻译公司(中国专家翻译网)是由清华、北大、复旦和上海交大等著名高校的几位专家亲手创办和管理的大型翻译服务机构。在北京、上海、广州、厦门、深圳和香港等地均设立有分支机构。自1995年创建以来,依托各大科研院所的专家学者,在广大客户和社会各界的支持下,完成了葛洲坝水利枢纽工程、万家寨引黄工程和西气东输项目等100多个国家级重大工程项目的翻译工作,共翻译引进并公开出版了几十部国外学术著作。与中石油、中石化、高盛和西门子等国内外2000家大型企业建立有长期合作关系,在国内外具有很高声誉。所办网站中国专家翻译网在搜狐、新浪、Google等搜索引擎翻译公司列表中均排首位,日点击量达3万多次,该网站与中华网和联通国际商务网站建立长期的网站合作关系。 本公司云集了数千名具有各种专业背景知识的专兼职翻译,本着"优质高效、价格合理、方便快捷、高度保密"的原则,竭诚为广大企事业单位、科研机构、政府部门、社会团体和个人提供高水准、专业化、全方位的翻译服务。 专业范围:擅长机械、电子、计算机、通讯、钢铁、化工、石油、环保、道路、桥梁、医药卫生、医疗器械、化妆品、生物、中医药、法律、金融、保险、合同、证券、建筑、房地产、招标投标书、IT、留学资料、图书等专业资料。 翻译语种:英、日、德、俄、法、韩和西班牙等30多种 诚聘英才:欢迎翻译英才加盟,要求中外文水平俱佳,具有深厚专业背景,年富力强,英文八级以上,其他语种的也应达相当水平。 联系方式: 北京总部: 电话:010-82115893 82115892 82115891 地址:海淀区太阳园17号楼405室 网址 电子信箱 上海分公司: 地址:上海漕溪北路38号10G (东方商厦后面实业公寓南楼) 电话:021-34240860 021-34240925 传真:021-34240925 电子信箱 广州分公司: 地址: 广州天河区体育西路9号 骏汇大厦北座6F 电话:020-38981061/1062 传真:020-38981062 电子信箱 深圳分公司 电话 0755-61320122 厦门分公司 电话:0592-3880286