The cassette presents a qi gong session that is part of a series of
15 minute sessions broadcast a while ago by the German TV channel ZDF
once a week. These weekly programmes were produced under the patronage
of the German social security fund (Allgemeine Orts-Krankenkasse - AOK).
The sessions are presented and commented by a psychologist and a doctor
who also show the movements to be made.
The sessions are intended for the general public but some exercises
are designed rather for the elderly.
Qi Gong is indicated in the widest variety of daily life situations
(stress, apprehensions, pains, disorders of the senses . . . ). It allows
better use of and control of breathing, and increases resistance to
illnesses, diseases and all kinds of aggressions. It brings serenity
and well-being and improves the quality of life in general.
In case of difficulties-for the handicapped for instance-the movements
can be made mentally without losing their efficacy.
Comments by Mrs KOCH
1 have shown you a qi gong session which was broadcast as part of a
series on German television under the patronage of the German social
security, which shows it is officially recognised. These exercises are
presented by a psychotherapist and a doctor. The sessions are intended
for the general public, of whatever physical condition. The idea conveyed
by the programme is that qi gong is effective in everyda'y life, which
I can confirra by my own experience.
1 indeed give pyschotherapy sessions. At the end of a session people
are often highly moved, highly agitated, in another state, which makes
their return to 'normal' life something of a problern with the hustle
and bustle and aggressions of everyday life. By getting thern to do
a few qi gong exercises they become serene and calm. and they can be
allowed to return to their customary life. This really bas impressed
To return to what was said this morning, many people sufféring
from respiratory problems are handicapped. It is not necessary, however,
to do qi gong exercises with the body. They can be done mentally: you
éan be sitting in an arrachair. The same applies for the breathing
exercises. The exercise consisting in raising your hands while breathing
in slowly until you reach the high point and then stopping with your
hands in the air can be difficult for persons with a breathing problem.
They will be told: if you don't have enough breath to reach the top
position while breathing in, breath out and continue the movement but
mentally, inhaling and exhaling. 1 think that could be useful for pneumoconiotics.