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From patrick.schouller@inria.fr Thu Feb 20 22:20 MET 1997
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:18:31 -0600
From: Patrick Schouller 

Please find here by a new partnerssearch :

* TF Educational Multimedia,
* COAST Research Team (Lyon, F)

The COAST Research Team is part of a mixed research unit (Unite Mixte),
CNRS and University Lyon II called GRIC : Groupe de Recherches sur les
Interactions Communicatives (Research Group on Communicative Interactions).

The team works on Communication and Learning of Scientific Knowledge, from
a pluridisciplinary point of view : science didactics, language sciences,
artificial intelligence and psychology. It is presently located in the
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, and comprises over 20 members, of which 5
permanent researchers (CNRS and ENS).

We are interested in participating in a consortium with a view to
responding to the Educational Multimedia Taskforce.

Our research competences are relative to the development, analysis and
modelling of varied teaching situations in science and mathematics, that
often involve use of computer-based learning environments, and
computer-mediated communication at a distance.

We have close collaborative research contacts with teaching institutions,
teachers, trainers, at a number of levels in France and in Europe (high
schools, universities, teacher training institutions).

At present COAST is a partner in the European project "Labwork in Science
Education" of the TSER Programme (Targeted Socio-Economic Research), DGXII.
Our work concerns analysis of experimental labwork activities in biology,
chemistry and physics teaching, as carried out in secondary schools ("high
school", lycee) and first years of university, within different countries
that participate in the project : Germany, France, Greece, Great Britain,

In addition, within the framework of a consortium, we could continue to
pursue some or all of the following three research directions :

* Research and didactic development within lycee (highschool) classrooms

We carry out research with high school (lycee) teachers in the Lyon area
within a project financed by the MAFPEN on experimental activities on
sound, optics and chemistry (SOC project). The aim is to develop new
practical work and to experiment it in the classrooms. We also contribute
to developping understanding and practice with respect to new technologies,
by teachers and students. For example, currently all teachers use internet
to develop their worksheets. Students will subsequently use internet
(exchange of project work on the environment and on energy).

* Elaboration of computer-based learning environments (ILE, CSCL, CMC, ...)

We have designed, implemented and experimented two learning environments -
CHENE and CO-CHENE - for teaching the concept of energy. Co-CHENE enables
pairs of students to work at a distance, via internet ; for this purpose we
have designed dedicated communication interfaces (used synchronously). The
objects of study are : students processes of modelling in physics,
collaborative problem-solving, computer-mediated communication and
We have also developed a system for the domain of geometrical optics, which
is presently being experimented in lycees.

* Conception of pedagogical films (video)

We have designed and realised short films (video, digitised) in physics and
chemistry that present interpretation in terms of a particle model of
different experimental situations (sound, chemistry, gas expansion). Our
team is equipped with the necessary image digitisation and editing
technology. The study of the understanding of these films, by students, is
carried out in a systematic manner).

It should also be noted that we work on professional training and teacher

**** Within the framework of a possible partnership, we could thus
participate in the design, implementation and experimentation of new and
varied teaching situations, anchored in educational institutions in Europe,
that use new information technologies in domains related to scientific and
technical training and teaching.

** Contact
Director of COAST :     Andree TIBERGHIEN (DR CNRS) -
Contact in COAST :      Michael BAKER (CR CNRS) - mbaker@ens-lyon.fr

Address:   UMR 5612 GRIC-Equipe COAST, ENS de Lyon, 46 allee d'Italie,
F-69364 Lyon cedex 07
Tel:          +33 (0)4 72 72 85 38 / 37 (secr.)
Fax:         +33 (0)4 72 72 80 80

                        Patrick SCHOULLER
	  Direction Generale des Strategies Industrielles
	     3/5 rue Barbet de Jouy 75353 PARIS  07 SP

Telephone : + 33 (1) 43 19 34 25
Telecopie : + 33 (1) 43 19 35 51
E Mail    : patrick.schouller@inria.fr

